I am Alan Leal, an economist, researcher, and Ph.D. student. I have an MSc in Economics from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Brazil. I am also currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Economic Theory at the University of São Paulo (also in Brazil).
My main research area during my master’s degree was capital flows and banking economics. I also have experience working with geospatial data and operations in R, Python, and ArcMap. In econometrics, I’m also experienced with Stata and MATLAB, developing one command in both languages (which can be found in the codes section of my site). I’m also experienced with macroeconometrics methods, such as dynamic panel data, panel VAR, time series methods (time and frequency domains), and spatial econometrics.
Currently, in my Ph.D., I am researching deforestation and international trade, using computable general equilibrium and game theory to test the optimality and political stability of specific trade agreements and other more general trade agreements involving Brazil and any other bloc/country.
My professional life has been dedicated to research, that is, to convert the knowledge I have acquired in my master’s degree and Ph.D. and use it to derive some useful insights for stakeholders. As an example of this research-oriented work, I have worked on updating prices of the real state market in Belo Horizonte, Brazil (for CEDEPLAR/UFMG and Belo Horizonte City Hall). I have also worked as a climate policy analyst for Talanoa Institute, analyzing the Brazilian OECD accession process under an environmental focus. More recently, I have worked on devising policy guidelines and evaluation for the São Paulo state government (through FIPE).
More info about my work is available on my ORCID page or Curriculum Lattes (in Portuguese). My Curriculum Vitae can be found here (in Portuguese).