5. Water charge and conservation of natural areas: An ex-ante assessment of a policy proposal for the Mantiqueira region, Brazil. Rocha, A., Haddad, E., Leal. A., Corrêa, J. Published at Water Resources Research.
4. Efeito do transtorno depressivo sobre os rendimentos do trabalho por gênero e setor produtivo brasileiro. Leal, A. M. M., Teixeira, E. C. Published at Revista Desenvolvimento Socioeconômico em Debate. File available here!
3. Percepção da Corrupção e o Desempenho Acadêmico de Estudantes. Leal, A. M. M., Teixeira, E. C. . Published at RACEF. File available here!
2. Efeitos do crescimento econômico sobre a desigualdade salarial por gênero no Nordeste- Brasil. Leal, A. M. M., Santos, F. P., Romero, J. P. Published at Revista GeoNordeste. File available here!
1. Regional economic resilience and mining in the State of Minas Gerais/Brazil: The barriers of productive specialisation to formal employment and tax management. Silva, J. F., Silva, F. F., Leal, A. M. M., Oliveira, H. C. Published at Resources Policy.
Conferences and Meetings
5. The Political Economy behind Trade and Land Use: Legal Amazon in the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement. Leal, A., Haddad, E. A. Presented at 22nd ENABER, 2024 and at 52nd ANPEC, 2024.
4. Modelo de Classificação – Gradient Boosting. Leal, A. M. M. Presented at Belo Horizonte City Hall, December 2022.
3.Classificação das Tipologias de Imóveis: Uma Aplicação do Gradient Boosting para o Município de Belo Horizonte-MG. Leal, A. M. M. Presented at NEREUS weekly seminar, April, 14th, 2022.
2.Short and long-run relations between capital netflows and the differential of American and Brazilian interest rates. Leal, A. M. M., D’Amato, S., Viveiros, I. Presented at the 49th National Conference in Economics, 2020.
1. Regional economic resilience and mining in the State of Minas Gerais/Brazil: The barriers of productive specialisation to formal employment and tax management. Silva, J. F., Silva, F. F., Leal, A. M. M., Oliveira, H. C. Presented at the 48th National Conference in Economics, 2020.
Working Papers
4. There is Trouble with the Trees: How to Avoid Trade-Induced Deforestation?. Alan Leal, Maurício Bugarin, 2024. File available here!
3. The Political Economy behind Trade and Land Use: Legal Amazon in the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement. Alan Leal, Eduardo Amaral Haddad, 2024. File available here!
2. Pagamentos Instantâneos e Bancos: o Impacto do PIX sobre Agências Bancárias no Brasil. Alan Marques Miranda Leal. 2023.
1. Short and long-run relations between capital netflows and the differential of american and brazilian interest rates, No 629, Textos para Discussão Cedeplar-UFMG, Cedeplar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Leal, Alan, D’Amato, Stefan and Viveiros, Igor, 2021.
Other Academic Works
2. Two essays on the relevance of interest rates on capital flows and credit. Dissertation presented to Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais for the Master in Economics degree in 2020. File available here!
1. Discriminação de rendimentos contra mulheres e negros: situação atual para o Brasil. Monograph presented to Universidade Federal de Viçosa for the Bachelor in Economics degree in 2017. File available here!